QuInnE investigates how job quality and innovation mutually impact each other at the organization level, and what employment outcomes result from this interaction. The interaction between job quality and innovation is investigated as potentially mutually supportive. Job quality is a multi-dimensional concept covering various aspects of work organisation and the terms and conditions of employment. Drawing on the Oslo Manual, both technical and non-technical innovation are investigated, with an emphasis on organisational innovation. Through quantitative analyses and qualitative organization-level case studies, the factors and also the mechanisms and processes by which job quality and innovation impact each other are identified. The effects of this interaction between job quality and innovation are then analyzed in terms of its employment outcomes and whether it creates more and better jobs. The employment outcomes are then tracked in terms of their impact on social inclusion and inequality.


QuInnE will produce three main outcomes:

  1.  new scientific understanding of the innovation-job quality-employment dynamic;
  2.  new diagnostic and developmental tools to monitor, measure and improve this dynamic at the firm and workplace level as well as approaches to analyzing this dynamic at the national level -  which directly feeds into the third outcome;
  3. evidence-based advice on developing policy to boost innovation and economic and employment growth in the EU, along  with an awareness of ensuing impacts on social inclusion and inequality.



Bird, Lawton & Purnell (2010) Green and Decent Jobs: The case for local action. Institute for Public Policy Research.

BIS (2013) BIS Innovation Survey 2013.

BIS (2014)  Our plan for growth: Science and Innovation.

Erhel, Guergoat-Larivière, Leschke & Watt (2012). Trends in Job Quality During the Great Recession: A Comparative Approach for the EU.

Eurofound (2012) Trends in job quality in Europe. Publications Office of the European Union.

Fairwork Convention (2016) Fairwork Framework 2016 .

Randstad (2014) Fulfilment@Work Report 2014.

The New Economics Foundation Good jobs for non-graduates.

The Work Foundation. Lancaster University (2015) Investing in a workforce fit for the future. Challenges for the UK government.

The Work Innovation Network Synthesis Report (2010) Competing Through People.

World of Work Report (2012) Better jobs for a better economy.



Eurofound Yearbook 2015, (chapter 2 has a good sub-section on workplace innovation).

Warhurst, C Book review.